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Friday, October 29, 2010

Read carefully to know the business plan:

If you determine to join with us to grow up your financial career, than you have to open a business account with this company. Here all transaction is U.S. Dollar base. Input and out put rate is: 1 dollar = 70 taka
There are 4 types of accounts available:

1. Account fee USD 65 (4550 Taka) – Invest limit 1,57,500 taka

2. Account fee USD 120 (8400 Taka) – Invest limit 3,15,000 taka

3. Account fee USD 260 (18,200 Taka) – Invest limit 6,30,000 taka

4. Account fee USD 520 (36,400 Taka) – Invest limit 12,60,000 taka

You can choose any type of account as per your invest plan. You are allowed to open more than one account in the same name. You need an online bank account in Bangladesh for all transaction. Currently this company is working with the below mentioned bank in Bangladesh. If you have any one, you can use that account for all cash transactions.

1. Bank Ashia
2. Brac Bank
3. Dutch Bangla Bank
4. Eastern Bank
5. Exim Bank
6. HSBC bank
7. Islami Bank
8. NCC Bank
9. City Bank
10. UCBL

You have to use your own account for cash investment and withdraw money from this company. When you will be a member, you will be allowed to operate your personal account area from company website.

Now come to investment plan and profit details.

You have to invest your money for 10 months and from next month you will be getting 10% profit and 10% principal money i.e. every month you will be getting total 20% from your investment and 10 months this will be continued. That means, if you invest 1,00000 taka, after 10 months your total money will be 2,00000 taka. You have to pay tax and vat from your profit money to Bangladesh Govt.

If you want to invest, you can choose any amount as per your account trading volume but minimum invest amount is 21,000 taka. See the below list how to get profit from your invest.

Suppose, you had invest 1,00000 taka on 19th May, so from 20th June you will be credited monthly rivet and every month on 20th automatically your account will be credited with your rivet. If you want to withdraw rivet, you can do that easily from your account area.

See the below example chart:

Suppose your investment date is 19th May, So your rivet will be credit as per below chart.
Date Profit 10% Principal Tk 10% Total Tk.

20/06/10 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/07/10 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/08/10 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/09/10 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/10/10 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/11/10 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/12/10 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/01/11 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/02/11 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
20/03/11 10,000 tk. 10,000 tk. 20,000 tk.
---------------- --------------- ------------------
1,00000 tk 1,00000 tk 2,00000 tk

So, after 10 months your total money is Taka. = 2,00,000

Company business is going as per MLM (Multi level marketing) business formula, so there is some more opportunity to get more profit. How can you get more profit from this company, that details you can get from other page: Extra Income.

Earn extra money
This company is providing to members some more opportunities to earn some extra money.
1. If you refer some one to get a member, you will earn 1050 taka per account.
2. If you refer 4 persons (Left-2, right-2), you will earn 2100 taka bonus include 4 persons sponsored commissions 4200 taka.
3. If your referred person invest money, you will earn 10% commission from invest amount.
4. If your referred persons invest in both side (Left + Right), you will earn again 10% matching bonus.
5. If your referred persons refer some more peoples, you will earn more money from your down lone.
6. You can withdraw these amounts anytime from your account. For bank transfer you have to reach minimum balance $100 (7,000 taka).

If you do not have enough money for invest, you can earn money by referring peoples. This is company’s working plan. Anybody can earn money with this plan. If you need more clear concept, feel free to contact with me at any time. Go to home page and submit your comments. I will contact you personally.

Friday, October 8, 2010



All legal certificates, legal advice from advocates, pan card details are in the website.
If you interested please SMS or Eamil your name, place and mobile number to me.Mob No: +881739301221, +8801914005656, +8801671047856 and Email:
I will contact you then soon.

Get people’s review about UNIPAY2U company in BANGLADESH and be aware for buying and selling of gold at UniPay2U and in the professional bullion markets.

International MLM License

Holder Legal Company

UNIPAY2U Office in

7 Countries

Till date people might have heard about Fake International Company, Now Legal International MLM Company launched in Malaysia. UNIPAY2U has got International MLM License and offices are there in different parts of the world like in Malaysia, India, Philippines, Bangladesh, UAE, Thailand, and China to give quickly and Best Service to all the Members. Earned Amount will be directly transferred to your Bank Account. Business is not done in fake dollars; it’s a real time Currency.


- UNIPAY 2 U is Malaysian MLM Company

- Payment Directly to Bank Account

- Withdrawal in Taka

- Https security is given by International Monitory Fund Agency, in ordinary sites u can see http, and well in secure sites u can see https

- Unipay2u is secured by C.O.M.O.D.O Authentic site by SSL

- Company investing Funds on the Gold Trading and has got Gold Trading License to enhance the funds of the Valuable Members. This is how u will get the Income

- Since it is a Legal company invested Funds secure with company and members are getting guaranteed amount on time

- So be a part of the Legal MLM Company and stay away from those MLM Company where no security for invested amount, no office, business done in fake dollars, and shut down in short Span


- 8, 400 Tk Joining Amount (Id cost)

- 21,000 – 136,000 = 20% 10 months

- 1,38, 600 – 2,10, 000 = 21.5% 10 months

- 2,12,100 - 12,60, 000 = 23% 10 months

- Interested people can go for Investment plan to gain fixed amount 20% 23% monthly income for 10 months


- 10% Referral income on Investment plan

- 10% Binary Matching Bonus income

- 20% 23% fixed Monthly Returns on ur investment

- 2,100 Binary income on Registration of New member

- 1050 Spot Referral Income on ID

- Power side carry forwarded


Binary Income on the Investment Plan:

- Investment Plan 42, 000 - 10,50, 000

- 10% income on every Investment

- 10% Binary Matching Bonus scheme

- Daily capping on single id 1, 50, 000

- Power side carry forwarded

Binary Income on New Member Registration:

- ID cost 8, 400

- 2:2 u will get 2100 as Binary income.

- Daily Capping 20:20

- + Spot Referral 1050/- if the Member Referred by u

Matching Bonus:

- 10% Binary Matching Bonus income

- Starts from 42, 000 : 42, 000 = 10% income


- Membership ID

- Payment Directly to the BANK ACCOUNT-

0 % RISK...JOIN :)

Name: Gazi Abdul Hannan

Ph: +8801739301221, +8801914005656
Please Visit Web: